Monday, March 30, 2009

Spring Flower Bucket

Happy Spring! I am about a week and a half late- but I come by tardiness naturally.
I remember as a little girl always being late to church. My mother, bless her heart, would try to get all of us ready for church on time. Every Sunday we were at least 5 minutes late and my mother would paraded us up the center aisle to the front pew. I always felt like a family of ducks following their mother.
OK- enough about my bad tardiness habit.
I was in Target the other day and saw these cute buckets in the dollar section- I knew I had to have them! I pulled out some chipboard, my Accucut dies and bright papers and went to work. I am going to use this bucket on my Easter table.
I will also be teaching this as a class at the Little Flowers Crop on Saturday April 4Th.


Liz said...

ooooo - LOVE these!!! what a great idea! you are so creative. :)

liz - fraybaby

Life Full of Sunflowers said...

Hi Cindy - thank you for the kind comment you left on my blog and I just stopped by and visited yours and must say, you are awesome. I love the colors you pick on each of your cards - they are so wonderfully colorful. I have put you in my reader, so I'll be stopping by often. Have a great one !!